Orange is Way Better than Yellow

Black N Brown at DP
11 min readApr 29, 2021


Karma turns a Yellow Hat into an Orange Jumpsuit

Adapted from the Facebook post art of Jason Scott, former student of Democracy Prep, and his message “Orange is Way Better than Yellow.”

In a turn of events that shocked absolutely no one with any common sense a narcissist was arrested yesterday for being a narcissist. It should surprise exactly zero people that a man who built a charter school network by dismissing, stealing the intellectual property of, and blacklisting Black people, would be arrested for stealing from Black children. It is actually quite on brand for Seth Andrew. Y’all wanted a response…well here y’all go!


Seth’s arrest is a full circle moment. And it belongs solely to the victims. It belongs to the students of the schools that he stole from, and it belongs to the victims of his policies, procedures and psychological warfare. This day belongs to all of the former students and staff who, because of their trauma, either hold their breath when in the vicinity, or altogether avoid, 133rd Street in Harlem. Though he is not atoning for the pain that he has caused us directly, hopefully this moment can help move some of us closer to healing.

This arrest should also serve as a reckoning on multiple levels. It is a lesson on the pervasiveness of anti-Blackness, and how harmful it truly is to our global community. It is also a cautionary tale to people of color about how aligning oneself with white supremacy culture does not serve one’s interests. And lastly, it is a reminder to believe Black women, the first time!

BnB@DP was created after a Black woman, who reflected on her own experiences at Democracy Prep, was otherized, dismissed, attacked, and rendered invisible by other Black people. As BnB@DP grew, and more stories of oppression, mistreatment, overt anti-Blackness, and sexual abuse began to surface, the brave souls who shared those stories were also attacked and othered. Some antagonists argued that the testimonials were made up because they were shared anonymously. Others challenged the brave soldiers who stepped up to fight a giant machine by asking for proof of the claims, questioning dates, and policing these vulnerable offerings and devaluing them with rebuttals like “you experienced that wrong.” And ultimately, it is all anti-Black racism, which is what we will address.


Anti-Blackness is most easily defined as the disdain for Black people, and is commonly generalized as the overt racism that Black people endure day to day. But anti-Blackness also performs in covert ways, showing up as the total disregard for Black voices and experiences within the white supremacist patriarchal capitalist system; in the mischaracterization of Black women as abrasive and confrontational; or in the confused reactions to Black men posessing professional jobs. It is anti-Blackness that would deceive us into believing that Nicholas Reardon, the officer who shot Ma’Khia Bryant, did so because she had a weapon, even though innumerable armed white suspects have been arrested alive and unharmed; and even though numerous teachers, social workers and mental health professionals across our nation deescalate situations just as, or more intense, than that every day.


Seth’s anti-Blackness was ever apparent in the ways that he spoke to Black children, his debasement of Black families, and his attempts to root out all Black cultural practices and institutions in his charter system and entrepreneurial ventures. It was apparent in his savior complex — like how he’d force students to change their college essays to give thanks to him and Democracy Prep for providing an education that enables them to escape their dangerous drug infested neighborhoods. Seth has no respect for the roles of students as agents over their own lives, and saw no worth in the truths of their back stories. He purposely ignored the narratives of students whose parents were advanced degree holders, and completely disregarded the genius of parents who have survived and navigated the obstacles of political and economic injustice. But Seth is not alone in his anti-Blackness.


Anti-Blackness can be perpetuated by anyone, including other Black people. Black folks who have achieved a certain amount of financial success, for example, often participate in the silencing of Black struggle, particularly when said issues conflict with their capitalist leanings and acquired privileges. This is not to discount the immense amounts of energy and work Black folk have to expend to achieve their status. I mean, let’s be real, escaping poverty is traumatic and exhausting work. However that doesn’t mean jump headfirst into the lie of meritocracy, ya know, like one of those crazy tail Lawrence Otis Graham type negroes.

But this is exactly what the crew over at Degrees of Freedom did. When Black people mustered up the courage to share their truths, detail their mistreatment, and begin to heal, Degrees of Freedom attacked. People associated with DoF created fake pages to troll the BnB@DP account. They made false reports about posts on our Instagram page and our Medium page. They tried to write a counternarrative and attacked the professional reputations of the Black women in our collective. When none of that worked, they used themselves as a human shield during a Marlboro hearing to protect Seth Andrew from accountability. They practiced these behaviors under the disillusioned pretense of pursuing educational equity, but overall, (DoF) Black folk attacked (BNB@DP) Black folk to cape for a white man who has perpetuated real harm against Black people.

“It be ya own people”, as some friends have said. We expected backlash, and we expected gaslighting, but not from other melanated people… Not from other Black people who should understand the struggle to have our humanity recognized in this American rat race… Not from other Black women, who know the unique struggles associated with misogynoir in a world that teaches us to not believe them. It is quite problematic that the largest and loudest chorus attacking us were other Black people, particularly ones with class, and educational privilege.

What motivates Black folk to literally cape for white supremacy?

During the Marlboro meetings in the summer of 2020, several members of the DoF crew repeatedly stated “as a Board Member” or “as a Founder” in their opening lines in defense of Andrew. There was a clear pride displayed in being a part of something that validated them as important people in positions of rank. Perhaps, the under-representation of Black people in senior leadership across all sectors, creates a dynamic where any opportunity for positional power, no matter how problematic the institution or founder, is alluring. In the case of DoF, it appears that there was such a deep desire for esteem and clout that they rushed toward titles and white adjacent association, even to the detriment of the very people they claim to be about.

It has been true for centuries that some Black folks have had to learn the hard way: attaching yourself to whiteness and perpetuating white supremacy culture will never save you. Folks were so ready to boast “Board Member” and “Founder” and now what? Your leader was arrested and the mortgage on the Marlboro College campus still gotta be paid. Do you got it? Can you let Degrees of Freedom hol’ somethin’ til they check comes?

We tried to tell you. But you wouldn’t listen. As Black people though, we are inclined to put community first, and welcome you back to the fold. Consider this a “calling in” and not a “calling out”. We still love you.


We applaud Natasha Trivers’ efforts to correct Democracy Prep’s books. Seth Andrew’s arrest would not have happened without her actions, and the students, on whose back this network was built, deserve that. We would be remiss, however, to turn a blind eye to the ways that Democracy Prep has perpetuated anti-Blackness under her leadership. Natasha continues to employ a number of senior leaders whose anti-Blackness helped to build the Democracy Prep that she oversees. Specifically, we received numerous stories about Lisa Friscia’s racist hiring, promotion, and staff retention decisions; and multiple complaints about Friscia targeting and verbally abusing Black female employees and students, including publicly berating Natasha herself. And yet she is still drawing a check as the Chief People Officer. Has the statute of limitations on employment discrimination lawsuits run out? Because if not, we suggest that folks who had an injurious experience, reach out to us.

But Friscia isn’t the only problem. Natasha staffs a number of white folks in senior leadership positions who have demonstrated a propensity for terrorizing black people. Beyond this, the network’s code of conduct is toxic, with an entire grooming section that polices Black hair and dress in ways that students of other races or different ethnic markers never experience. How does having colored hair and hoop earrings hinder Black kids from college, but not other students? Except… if we are associating college, success, and intellectualism with whiteness… Even Trivers’ herself has directly perpetuated anti-Blackness in the way that she discriminated against Black dialect while she served as Democracy Prep’s Superintendent.

Natasha consistently refers to herself as a Black woman CEO, but her analysis of her racialized lens is limited and lacks nuance. Columbia Law professor Kimberle Crenshaw reminds us, “Intersectionality Matters”, and conscious consideration of the identities of oppressed and oppressor that she embodies is critical to her showing up in the work as a Black leader, and not just a leader with Black skin. Trivers is a bi-racial woman whose light-skin affords her more privileges and acceptability from white people than dark skinned Black women. To combat anti-Blackness, Natasha must commit to being ever-aware of the ways this system uses her as a pawn against Black staff, families, and kids, and to being accountable to dismantling this violence. How can you address racism in your schools, when you don’t even address it among your leadership team? And how can racist leaders build an anti-racist education system?

A truly anti-racist leadership team would acknowledge that systemic and legalized disinvestment in Black and brown communities has led to the current state of education in urban centers, not a lack of skill or will. An anti-racist leadership team would acknowledge the legacy of strong student outcomes when Black and brown students are taught by people who look like them. And in turn, an anti-racist leadership team would know that the best course of action would be to honor to the expertise of Black and brown educators and yield to their leadership in the education of Black and brown children. Yet, the superintendent and two of three Assistant Superintendents at Democracy Prep Public Schools are white, and at least seventy percent of the curriculum leadership team is white. The people who are making network-wide decisions about the direction of Black and brown children’s lives do not share their lived racialized experiences. It’s like a fashion show with no fashions! How dreadful! All of this is happening on Natasha’s watch, yet she makes it a point to name that she is one of only a few Black charter school CEO’s. Sis, Black skin does not equal a pro-Black politic.

Furthermore, an anti-racist leadership team would acknowledge their own racism and seek to make atonement. We have not heard of any of the leaders reaching out to any of the Black staff or students they harmed to apologize, reconcile, or to offer reparations, but some former staff have. Perhaps you can’t truly do the work until you leave DP, and work in places where Black people are treated as full humans. Go figure!

There is a pattern here between the behaviors of the leaders of the Degrees of Freedom, and Natasha’s. We see Black people who have been able to attain a level of financial success use themselves as human shields to protect white people who have committed racist acts against others. We also see black people who are so tied into their participation in a capitalist structure that perpetuates violence against Black people daily (RIP Ma’Khia Bryant) that they would sacrifice themselves to preserve it, rather than hold white leaders accountable. It’s giving Stephen from Django, and we dont like dat. We have got to do better! White supremacy will not save you! It will eat you up and spit you out, every time! Ask Ben Carson! We would say ask Hermain Cain, but you can’t. He sacrificed his life to participate in whiteness. And they just moved on. Again, not a calling out, but a calling in.


Everyone coming to this page has some investment in Democracy Prep, the neighborhoods it operates or operated in, or the education reform movement. Some of you are DP staff who are scared you may see your own name, but not scared enough to change the way you interact with students or to stand up to your racist leaders. Some of you are former students who are still trying to process through your experiences. Some of you are parents worried about your children. But all of you want to see a better educational reality and increased life opportunities for Black and brown students. And you are here!

Consider how you have allowed anti-Blackness to dictate your interactions with the BnB@DP page. Have you dismissed these voices because their stories did not jive with your own? Have you discounted critiques of a teacher that you liked because the survivor was a “bad scholar”? Have you labeled Black girls and women as angry, irrational, or confrontational when they are upset? Have you sent out Black boys out of your room for noncompliance, the self-directed thought that white boys are rewarded for? Did you return to this page now because you suddenly believe the stories after Seth’s arrest?

Let’s all consider the ways that we have perpetuated anti-Blackness. Let’s consider the fact that many of you will read the IG posts, and the Medium reflections with fresh eyes, and assign them new gravitas in your mind only because the white power structure by way of the court system have also said Seth Andrew was immoral and dishonest. Unpack the fact that, for some of you, it took a cosign from white folks before you believed Black women.

Sit with that.


Black people are the least protected in our global system of white supremacy. They are often first to get laid off and demoted, and the least likely to get hired. So let this be a lesson: when Black folks come together and raise their voices about an injustice, it is not an exaggeration. We are not trying to “take anyone down”. We are not trying to start some mess. We raise our voices because we see real danger, and are putting our own pain, job security, and safety aside to ensure the collective safety of our entire community. So believe us, and support us, THE FIRST TIME!

*Note: The slipping in and out of African American Vernacular English in the writing of this piece was intentional. It should be noted that some people will dismiss the content because of the dialect. That too is anti-Blackness. Black people’s words, thoughts, and ideas should be valued whether they use “the King’s English” or not. And it should also be noted that AAVE is a recognized DIALECT of English, and is NOT slang.



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